Doors close on the 4th of april!

Level up your Dutch speaking confidence in one day! (zaterdag 6 april)

Are you having trouble to speak Dutch in your daily life?
Voel jij je een beetje dom als je Nederlands spreekt?
Mis je de juiste woorden, de grapjes (jokes) en de nuances van de taal?

Do you want to feel more at home in Nederland by speaking Dutch with your neighbors, colleagues or schoonfamilie?

Heb je ongeveer B1 niveau (or a solid A2)?

Dan is deze dag voor jou!

This is the perfect chance to immerse yourself in Dutch for a full day and to experience the joy and ease of practicing more Dutch. We're going to build your confidence, your vocabulary and your FUN factor - all in one day :D

Op één van mijn favoriete locaties in Amsterdam - Hotel Arena (in het Oosterpark!). Maximum 25 spots available. Deadline for signing up is Wednesday 27th of March.

Nog maar 4 beschikbaar!